The Gathering: Abide

April 20, 2024 9:00 - 11:00am  |  Multi-Purpose Room

2401 Shady Willow Lane, Brentwood, CA, USA

Jesus says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” Clearly, Jesus wants us to abide in Him, but what does that mean, and how does it happen? To abide in Christ and to have Him abide in us means that we remain in an inward, enduring personal communion with Christ because of His finished work on the cross. It means recognizing His sacrificial love for us and our dependence on Him. This is cultivated by meditating on God’s Word, which renews, revives, shapes, and sanctifies us. The great news is that Jesus abides in us and keeps us abiding in Him through the Holy Spirit! God produces spiritual fruit in us as we abide, proving that we are Jesus’ disciples.

Ladies, join us as we look more closely at what it means for us to abide in Christ. Register by April 17th!

The Gathering is a workshop-style event, where women explore how to live out the implications of the gospel, so that we would treasure Christ more, cultivate a gospel community, and stir one another to love and good works.