
A collection of works

Art Ministry Exhibition 2024

Nehemiah recounts the history of how God restored and revitalized his city and his people in the 5th century BC. God did this by bringing the Israelites back from exile, rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, and renewing their covenant to love and worship Him. It is a powerful narrative that points forward to Jesus, the great reformer, the cornerstone of the Christian church.

The artists in this collection have reflectively springboarded from this account to tell our own stories, create new music, and craft visual, tactile, and tasteable art. As you contemplate the works, we invite you to engage your imagination, intellect, feelings, senses, and memory. May you be inspired to wonder what divine truths are being communicated, what connections to your life story can be made, what beauty can be uncovered.


Alysia Watkins

Visual Artist

Amy Wadleigh

Visual Artist

Ann Cruz

Visual Artist

Ashley Kenney


Caleb Woods

Visual Artist

Crystal Alvarez


D'Evelyn Spekner

Visual Artist

Dave Neal

Faith Sendaydiego

Visual Artist

Hayden Acosta

Visual Artist

Heather Keneny

Visual Artist

Ilana Baer


James Bareng

Visual Artist

Jessica Firkins

Visual Artist

Joselito Bareng

Visual Artist

Julius Ojewole


Karen Hinds

Visual Artist

Lillian Mahar

Visual Artist

Lisa Bramblet

Food Artist

Marianne Spekner

Visual Artist

Melissa Adams

Visual Artist

Melissa Vongtama


Michelle Norman

Visual Artist

Noshua Nunley

Visual Artist

Pearl DeCew

Visual Artist

Peggy Wunderly

Visual Artist

Sarah Sly


Vanessa Zakas

Visual Artist

Victoria Orlando

Visual Artist

Wil Thomas
