About Peggy

My Turn

Graphite pencil

Studying Nehemiah, the word “preparation” kept coming to mind. The rebuilding of the temple and walls were both a physical restoration and a spiritual preparation for the coming Messiah, who would fulfill God’s promises to His people. Those same walls would see the promised Messiah ride through their gates on a donkey. They would also witness His death and resurrection. But the story is not finished…there will be a white horse. Jesus humble entry on the donkey (Zechariah 9:9) contrasts with Jesus’ majestic return on a white horse (Revelation 19:11-16). While the donkey has served its purpose, the horse now stands ready to serve the King. The concept of preparation in Nehemiah gives us hope. Like the Israelites, we too are to be prepared, knowing His promises will be fulfilled, and He will return on a white horse in glory for His people.

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Artist Bio

I have always enjoyed drawing, and took some art classes. I haven’t drawn in awhile, but with the urging from my family, I took up a pencil. This drawing was created in utter dependence on God, and I give Him all credit.
