Simply (Men and) Women
August 11, 2023 7:00 - 9:00pm | Multi-Purpose Room
As Jesus’ disciples, we are commanded to proclaim and live out the implications of God’s rule, reign, and ongoing restoration of all creation. In the last part of our series on Women, a panel of men and women will explore how we, as broken people prone to wander from God and struggle against one another, can labor together in gospel ministry for His glory and honor. Our examination of God’s roles for male and female must be biblical, gracious, and transparent. So we look to Christ our king, who assumed the form of a servant, humbled himself, and died on the cross for our sins, because of His great compassion and love for us. Now, all who believe the gospel are called to imitate Christ’s humility, living in submission to Him and in service to one another. From this position of humility, we can more clearly see how God designed men and women to love and serve and lead in our homes, in the church, and in the world—interdependently and united in Christ.
This event is for all men and women, middle-school aged and up. Registration closes 8/8.