Longing for the Great Reformer
Tyler Adams

Week 25 of our series, “Revitalize: A People Restored & Rebuilding”. Nehemiah 13:4–3.

Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem from a time away in Babylon. Upon his return, he finds that the people have broken the covenant they made in chapter 10 to 1) not marry foreign women, 2) keep the sabbath day holy, and 3) not neglect the house of the Lord. Nehemiah confronts the transgressors and purifies the people. But the reality is, Nehemiah doesn’t have the power to change the hearts of the people that will lead to true repentance and obedience. The people of God need a more powerful leader who will take away their sins, change their hearts, and lead them in obedience. That leader is Jesus, who comes to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to be coronated as King, Son of David, and Son of God.