Surviving Wives Connection
November 21 11:00 am - 1:30 pm | Irene's House
Surviving Wives Connection, a widows ministry, is hosting a “Date With Jesus”, which will be a time of Scripture sharing, Prayer and Reflection with our Lord. The table will be set and we will have time to share our thoughts and joys and sorrows with Him in a more intimate setting. We will end the “Date” with snacks while we discuss any insights we have discovered and share our praises for our Savior.
RSVP by 11/17 by emailing at the link below, or by phone to Colleen Rhoden – (925) 516-0653 x7170. Address will be provided with RSVP.
As we walk through our individual journeys of grief, we come together to encourage, enlighten and connect with each other, forming bonds of friendship and caring, strengthening each other as we rebuild our lives and find our new identity. All widows are welcome to join in our activities.