Gospel-Centered Parenting Principles
April 6 8:30 - 10:00 am | W242
Parents, join us as we read through & discuss Paul David Tripp’s Book, Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family. Author Paul David Tripp goes beyond mere to-do lists for parents. Using fourteen gospel-centered principles, he offers a big-picture perspective on God’s plan for us as parents. Tripp places a high importance on addressing both the hearts of parents and the hearts of their children. This book helps set theologically informed boundaries so parents can better know what is in their capabilities and what falls within God’s capabilities. Tripp helps parents understand how to best raise their kids in a way that releases the burden of doing more and simply being obedient to the calling of parenthood that God has given them.
Sundays, April 6–May 18th (except Resurrection Sunday, April 20)