Women's Ministry

The purpose of Women’s Ministry is to glorify God by participating in the process of making disciples of women who will impact their families, their church, their community, and the world for Christ. Women’s Ministry strives to see women increasingly grow in their love for and devotion to God through the grasping of God’s word and the loving care of one another. We host gospel-driven gatherings and studies throughout the year to foster this flourishing in the context of a Christ-centered sisterhood, as well as the entire church family.


We gather periodically throughout the year at Simply Women, The Gathering: A Workshop for Women, and Christmas Gathering. We understand that walking into a gathering of church women can be exciting, scary, confusing, or a mix of these and other emotions. We have felt that way too. Yet we are confident that God brings us together for his glory and our good, and so we are inviting you to become a part of our sisterhood united in and centered on Christ. Contact us if you have any questions or would like someone to walk in with you!

Simply Women
Simply Women

At Simply Women, we meet on a Friday evening in a relaxed setting to learn from God’s Word, build relationships, and get equipped to be ministers of reconciliation.

The Gathering
The Gathering

At this workshop-style gathering, we explore how to live out the implications of the gospel, so that we would treasure Christ more, cultivate a gospel community, and stir one another to love and good works.

Christmas Gathering
Christmas Gathering

The Christmas Gathering in December brings church women and the community together to celebrate Jesus’ coming, and to enjoy the fellowship that comes with being united to him and his diverse family.


Bible Studies

Because we are confident in the Bible’s authority and sufficiency in our lives, we gather in Women’s Bible Studies to grow in our knowledge, understanding, and love of God through His word. In our studies, women from all walks of life, from new believers to women who have studied God’s word for many years, gather to study entire books of the Bible from start to finish. Together we strive to comprehend, interpret, and apply God’s word in a way that leads to heart and mind transformation. Through the elements of personal study, large group teaching time, and small-group discussion, our Bible Studies seek to cultivate holiness in our lives, Bible literacy, and a Christ-centered sisterhood. Our studies run every spring and fall, in February and September; it’s our simple rhythm of faithfully studying God’s word together.

Studying God's Word Together

In spring 2025, we will be studying the New Testament book of Romans and discover the beauty and majesty of God, His glorious salvation, and His transforming power. Registration will begin on January 22 and closes on February 18. We understand that joining a new Bible study can bring up a lot of questions and a mix of emotions. We have felt that way too. Please contact us if you have any questions or simply want someone to sit next to for the first couple of weeks!


Moms Growing Together

A ministry for moms

Moms Growing Together is a community of moms raising kids of all ages. Our mission is to walk alongside moms as we grow together in our love and understanding of Jesus, encouraging one another in motherhood and life and becoming better equipped to teach and nurture our children toward godliness. All moms from Golden Hills and the surrounding area are welcome!

This spring, the morning group of Moms Growing Together will be joining the Women’s Bible Studies in their study of the book of Romans.  We will meet on Tuesdays, February 18 through April 29, from 9-11 a.m.  Registration is required, and must be done through the Women’s Bible Studies form.

Meanwhile, the evening group of Moms Growing Together will continue digging deeper into God’s word and seeing His heart for women and their roles in His amazing plan for redemption. We will study the women of the Bible using a book called Brave and Beloved by Meredith Storrs.  This group will meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, from February 6 through June 4.  Unfortunately, there will be no childcare provided so we ask that only nursing infants attend. Come be refreshed by engaging book discussions and through deepening relationships with other moms and mentors.

Contact us for more information!


Surviving Wives Connection

A ministry for widows

Surviving Wives Connection (SWC) seeks to connect and encourage widows of all ages, as they move forward with rebuilding their lives. This ministry helps to develop meaningful and joyful Christ-centered friendships through fun activities, outings, seminars, crafting and “Sharing & Caring” classes.

This group meets the 1st Monday of each month at GHCC, plus enjoying one outing per month. Visit our page for more information.

Women's Ministry Staff

Melissa Vongtama

Director of Women’s Ministry

Julie Mello

Administrative Assistant

Women's Ministry Resources


Interested in serving in Women’s Ministry and becoming developed as a leader? Send us an email with the link below.

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Women's Ministry Blog

Click on the link below to check out our Women’s Ministry Blog, The Vessel.


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