Thriving Widows

Connection, Supporting & Training Widows

Thriving Widows seeks to connect and encourage widows of all ages, as they move forward with rebuilding their lives. This ministry helps to develop meaningful and joyful Christ-centered friendships through fun activities, outings, seminars, crafting and “Sharing & Caring” classes.

This group meets the 1st Monday of each month at GHCC, plus enjoying one outing per month. See our upcoming events below!


If you would like more information about this ministry or would like to get involved, please contact Colleen Rhoden.



Leave a message @ 925.516.0653 x7170

2025 Thriving Widows Dates

All classes are on the 1st Monday of the Month (10:00–11:30am in W148)
When we have a guest speaker, our classes will be held upstairs in W248, same time.
Individuals pay for all outings. The dates, times and locations will vary.
*Cost price ranges are listed with dollar signs: $=$10-20; $$=$20-40; $$$=$40-75

1st Monday of the Month meetings @ GHCC (10:00–11:30am in W148)
March 3: Rocks & Rice: Loving God With Our Mind and Body (W248)
April 7: Praying with Power (Colossians 1:9-14) – (W148)
May 5: Responding to God’s Word (Mark 4:1-20) – (W148)
June 2: Trusting God Through Trials (1 Peter 4:12) – (W148)
August 5: Healing and Forgiveness (Mark 2:1-12) – (W148)
September 1: NO CLASS—LABOR DAY!!
October 6: One Body, Many Parts (Romans 12:1-13) – (W248)
November 3: Holy Spirit—“Our Gift - Giver of Life (1 Corinthians 12:4-5) – (W148)
December 1: NO CLASS—Christmas Season!!

Thriving Widows Outings:
March 29: Spring Tea; Bring food & desserts (Solomon 2:11, 12)
April 14: Game Day at Irene’s Place; Bring an appetizer or desserts
May 19: Vintage shopping and Lunch (Carpool - *$; $$)
June 13: Concert in the Park – Brentwood; Meet @ GHCC
& bring chair, snacks, water & sweater/jacket
August 16: Farmer’s Market & Lunch at MJ’s Restaurant/Brentwood—Meet at GHCC – (*$ - $$)
September 13: We Love “Bee”ing Together Luncheon (1 Peter 3:8)
October 14: Lunch at Panera Bread Café/Brentwood (*$; $$)
November 10: Warming Up for the Holidays Luncheon (Soups Hallmark Movie) at Irene’s
December 8: Christmas Brunch & White Elephant at Colleen’s;
Gift book: “Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength & Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit”