Connection, Supporting & Training Widows
Thriving Widows seeks to connect and encourage widows of all ages, as they move forward with rebuilding their lives. This ministry helps to develop meaningful and joyful Christ-centered friendships through fun activities, outings, seminars, crafting and “Sharing & Caring” classes.
This group meets the 1st Monday of each month at GHCC, plus enjoying one outing per month. See our upcoming events below!
If you would like more information about this ministry or would like to get involved, please contact Colleen Rhoden.
Leave a message @ 925.516.0653 x7170
2024 Thriving Widows Dates
1st Monday of the Month meetings (10:00–11:30am in W148)
Bonds of Sisterhood Bible Devotional Series:
May 6th: Rachel & Leah
June 3rd: Ruth & Hannah
July 1st: Deborah & Esther
August 5: Martha & Mary
October 7th : Guest Speaker
November 4: Mary Magdalene & Mary
December: NO CLASS
Surviving Wives Connection Outings:
May 16: Springtime Tea Party: Fill My Cup. . .Lord @ 11:30 AM
June 14: Concert in the Park/Brentwood/Carpooling from GHCC @ 5:45 PM
July 17: Country Line Dancing/Brentwood @ 6 PM
August 17: Vintage Shopping & Lunch @ 9:45 AM
September 14: Garden Party: Bee Built on Him @ 11:00 AM
October 17: Panera Bread Luncheon @ 12:00 PM
November 21: Cheesecake Factory/Carpool from GHCC @ 10:45 AM
December 2: Brunch & White Elephant @11:00 AM