Awana Registration Opens
August 6, 2023 | MPR
This is the place to register for Awana for the 2023-2024 Awana Club year.
Awana is taken from 2 Tim 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed.” It is a Christ-centered program designed to help parents in the spiritual development of their children. Awana combines fun and exciting weekly meetings with solid biblical instruction with a particular focus on studying and memorizing God’s word. The Gospel is presented throughout the teaching and curriculum. We offer Awana to 3-year-olds through 5th graders and meet on Wednesday nights throughout the school year.
Cubbies (3–5 years) meets from 6:30–8:00pm
Sparks (K–2nd Grade) meets from 6:30–8:15pm
T&T (3rd–5th Grade) meets from 6:30–8:20pm
Registration is required to participate.
Awana begins September 6th. Cost is $42.75.
Awana is currently full. You may sign up for the waitlist below.