HSM Small Groups Begin
August 24, 2023 7:00 - 9:00pm | Amphitheater
Come hang out with us on Thursday nights from 7:00pm–9:00pm throughout the school year for High School Small Groups. We believe that Small Groups are instrumental in the discipleship process of any student as we engage in Bible study, prayer, and accountability together.
The gospel is the primary value we thread through everything we do in HSM. Our worship, curriculum and teaching, and how we interact with one another are driven by a clear and growing understanding of the good news offered in Christ. In our worship through music, we sing songs and hymns centered on what God has done and less on what we have done. In our teaching, we place the Bible in its proper place, which for the Christian it is the ultimate authority in our lives. So you can expect to go through books of the Bible and large sections of scripture, and we will do our best to contextualize the particular passage for each high school student. We endeavor to bring praise and glory to God, so on a Thursday night, we hope that you might learn and grow to that end within the context of Christian community.