MSM Biblical Answers to a Secular Culture

March 3 8:30 - 10:00 am  |  W235

2401 Shady Willow Lane, Brentwood, CA, USA

As Christians, the way we are called to live goes against the way of the world. Living this way among unbelievers causes them to ask questions about why we live the way we do. These questions can feel overwhelming or at times unanswerable. But with the proper understanding of God’s Word, we are able to give biblical answers to the questions that are asked of us that actually make sense! Middle Schoolers are invited to join us on Sunday mornings at 8:30am as we address tough questions our culture asks in this 12-week-long class.

This class is for students in Grades 6–8 and meets on Sundays.
March 3–May 26 (not meeting on Resurrection Sunday, March 31)