Simply Women

March 11, 2022 7:00 - 9:00pm  |  W130

2401 Shady Willow Lane, Brentwood, CA, USA

How can we live as salt and light? The beatitudes offer an answer. The beatitudes are not a “do this, get this” formula. Instead, they are an invitation to walk as ambassadors of the new covenant and a promise of what naturally will happen in a believer as they walk with the Spirit. Jesus is the example we look to—perfectly humble, mourning with those who mourn, a man of sorrows who suffers for sinners. Through a life of humility, we are blessed by the God who looks on our humble estate and gives us more than we can imagine or deserve: Himself. The humility Christ calls us to isn’t dejection and weakness. It’s submission to His power and providence over all of life, to His sufficiency over all other treasures. In a world that touts self-promotion and celebrity as the ingredients for happiness, our humility is shocking. We point unbelievers to holiness, inviting them to taste and see Christ and in the process find their true joy and life in Him.

Join speaker Cindy Lee as she explores this theme of Humility.
Enjoy a complimentary meal. Childcare available by reservation.