Simply Women
May 19, 2023 7:00 - 9:00pm | W130
Worshipers & Witnesses
God created men and women in His likeness, to worship Him by living for His glory and finding their greatest joy in Him. He calls those who have responded to the message of the gospel to bear witness to the glorious saving work of the crucified and resurrected Christ, spreading the good news everywhere. So how can women fulfill this calling in our homes, our church, and the world? We see examples of God calling women as witnesses who proclaim the truth throughout the Bible. Despite the challenges they faced in society, God invited faithful women to put His power on full display. This demonstrates how women are an integral part of God’s plan for every corner of the earth to hear the message of hope that we have in Christ.
Join us for part 2 of our 3-part series on Women!
Caring Hands is available. Register through 5/17.
Complimentary dinner & beverages will be provided.