Starting Point

April 7, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm  |  W131

2401 Shady Willow Lane, Brentwood, CA, USA

If you are new to Golden Hills or are looking for a way to deepen connections, start here!

Come to Starting Point on the first Sunday of any month. You’ll hear more about our history and how the Lord is moving in our church. We will give you a tour so you know your way around and know the areas where you can find out more about what’s going on here. This is a great way to connect to other people and ministries. Stop by, say hi, and grab donut!

When you come in the main lobby of the church, turn left and go through the doorway. You’ll see the restrooms straight ahead. Take a right. Room W131 is the first room on the left corner of the hallway (Global Outreach Room).