Student Baptism Class

April 3, 2022 10:30am - 12:00pm  |  Student Ministry Office

When Christians are baptized, they are proclaiming that they are totally identified with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Join our Student Ministries staff to learn more about baptism, get all of your questions answered and prepare for being baptized.

Student Ministries Baptism Process

  1. Every month that there is not a baptism, we hold a baptism class. These classes take place in the Student Ministries Office at 10:30 am on the first Sunday of the month.
  2. We give every student that comes to the class a fill in the blanks outline, baptism questionnaire, and personal testimony worksheet.
  3. We tell each student to turn in the baptism questionnaire and personal testimony worksheets by the following Sunday.
  4. From there we set up personal meetings with each of the students so we can be confident that they understand what baptism is and what it is not.
  5. After these personal meetings we ask the students to revise their testimony if they feel it necessary, then we turn their final draft testimony into the shepherding center.