Surviving Wives Connection

May 6, 2024 10:00 - 11:30am  |  W148

2401 Shady Willow Lane, Brentwood, CA, USA

Surviving Wives Connection invites all widows to join us as we continue our Bible study series, “The Bonds of Sisterhood”. As we take a look at our sisters, Rachel and Leah, we will be comparing and contrasting their personalities, similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses. We will look for the impact they made on generations and how their lives can impact ours today and ponder the promises of God; His faithfulness and the unfolding of His plan through imperfect people. No registration is required!

As we walk through our individual journeys of grief, we come together to encourage enlighten and connect with each other, forming bonds of friendship and caring, strengthening each other as we rebuild our lives and find our new identity. All widows are welcome to join in our activities.

All widows are welcome to join in our activities.