Women’s Christmas Gathering 2024

December 7, 2024 10:00am - 12:45pm  |  Multi-Purpose Room & Sanctuary

2401 Shady Willow Lane, Brentwood, CA, USA

In today’s digital age, a wealth of information is at our fingertips. And yet, it often fails to lead us in the way of wisdom. Wisdom, which we all desire, is the capacity to judge rightly in matters relating to life and conduct. So if we can’t find it on the Internet, how can we acquire it?

Ladies, join us for our annual Christmas Gathering and ring in the Christmas season by contemplating God’s self-revelation through His eternally begotten Son. Jesus, fully divine, humbled himself and took on lowly human flesh, to become wisdom from God for us. Living by this truth means that we engage with the world on a plane of understanding that is often seen as “foolish” by the world, where human boasting is eradicated in God’s presence, and where we know nothing except Jesus Christ, true wisdom revealed.

We will start with a reception and light eats in the Multi-Purpose Room and then head to the Sanctuary for music and to hear a presentation from our guest speaker—author and Bible teacher, Aimee Joseph. 

9:40am: Check-in begins (MPR)
10:00am: Enjoy table conversation and light eats (MPR)
11:00am: Transition to the Sanctuary
11:15am: Main presentation with music & guest speaker (Sanctuary)

Tickets are $20 each. Purchase tickets by 11/24. Childcare is not available. 

UPDATE: Registration for the December 7, 2024 Christmas Gathering has closed, and no more seats are available for the reception. However, we have opened up “Presentation-Only” tickets for $10 per person, which gives entry to the main presentation of the Christmas Gathering, from 11:00am–12:45pm in the Sanctuary. This will include music and a presentation from our keynote speaker, Aimee Joseph. Food and drinks will not be served during this time period. Purchase your $10 “Presentation-Only” Tickets at the link below.