About Crystal


On the precipice
Of an abyss,
A dark snake
Likes to hiss.

You walk away,
Toward the light,
But the sly one
Puts up a fight.

Solomon warned against
Foxes that ruin vineyards.
To little things remain alert;
The wise their mind guards.

Samson used 300 foxes
To set fields ablaze,
But even one can obscure
Our perception of Your ways.

When I let a fox dismantle,
Bring to rubble what You’ve made,
I listen to the enemy,
And let Your promises fade.

Truth can break the lies,
Don’t let that fox in.
He came to steal and destroy,
But we can rebuild and win.

The enemy tries,
He preys on our fear,
Distracting us with lies,
But the Spirit is here.

When they threatened his life,
Nehemiah kept building.
Despite enemy taunts,
Their efforts unyielding…

They built the whole wall
By preparing and praying!
Your Word now is future
Firm foundation laying.

Put on God’s armor
As we face opposition.
Prayed up, God fights for us,
And the Word’s our ammunition.

The accuser may come,
But our Comforter knows
How to remind us and reply
“It is written” to those.

Endure to the end,
Abide in the Vine;
You’ll bear much fruit
And God’s hand will shine.


Remember the serpent in the garden who lied to Adam and Eve. Did God really say…? How often do we listen to lies like that? Sometimes the enemy attacks and you know it. Other times you may not recognize it. The Bible says Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. What may not be as obvious are the foxes, the little things. Seemingly innocent or more subtle, but with the potential to cause great damage. The Bible says our war is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers of darkness. It also says to put on the armor of God and take every thought captive. My poem is about spiritual warfare, which can happen even in your mind. Like Nehemiah, we must persevere through prayer and preparation. Greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world. The enemy we fight against is the power of darkness, but our God is the light of the world. 

Artist Bio

Crystal loves to write. One day she wished she had poems about and for God. To express who He is, gratitude, the ups and downs in our Christian walk, and share God’s love with the world. After that, God gave her ideas and words for several poems.
