About Jessica

Nehemiah Prayed

Colored Pencil on Pastelbord

Nehemiah’s story reminds us that through persistent prayer, God is able to perform miracles in and through us, but we must be willing to do what He wants, the way He wants it done. What breaks your heart? The situations and problems in the world that break our hearts are often the very things that God wants us to take on. When God calls us to a task, it often starts with a broken heart. God knows every circumstance we have been through or will go through. What we see as broken, God sees as beautiful. He knows where each piece belongs. And when we put our trust and hope in Jesus, piece by piece, he restores us back together into something more beautiful than we were before. Jesus is not only restoring the broken things in our lives but he is restoring the broken things in this world.

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Artist Bio

Pencil drawing is one of Lito’s passionate hobbies ever since he was a young boy back in the Philippines. He used to copy and draw anime cartoon characters, visual aids in school and more. When he became a believer back in 2009, God’s word captivated his attention to details and inspired him to draw what he heard in the sermons and read in his daily devotional readings. Lito is grateful that he is able to share his talent for God’s purpose and for His glory.
