About Julius

In Dust and Ashes

אני יודע שאתה יכול לעשות את כל הדברים, וששום מטרה שלך לא יכולה להיות מסוכלת.
‘מי זה שמסתיר עצות בלי ידיעה?’
לכן אמרתי את מה שלא הבנתי,
דברים נפלאים מדי בשבילי, שלא ידעתי. ‘שמע, ואני אדבר; אני אשאל אותך, ואתה מגלה לי.’ שמעתי עליך בשמיעת האוזן,
אבל עכשיו עייני רואה אותך; לכן אני מתעב את עצמי,
ותחזור בתשובה בעפר

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
When in a midst of a sea of troubles, I found it hard to believe such things

When I sat near Babylon’s rivers and my tears flowed with no respite
When I was subjected to a flood misfortunes and grief
When I was maligned and slighted
When I was the subject of a sea of slanders

I never conceived that my undoing might be my good

I didn’t know that these lecturer’s lips would provide counsel for my youth
That I would be a shoulder to cry on
That I would be a confidant for the fostered
A sort of father to the fatherless

I could not conceive of how my demotion could be my promotion

You too are no stranger to the many slings and arrows flesh is heir to, for you have taken up the cross that gives me life. You have druank the cup of wrath on my behalf. When in the tomb for 4 days, my eyes obscured by linen cloths, I could not see your purposes.

But you are good, and now I’m at a place where I have seen that you were the smiling face behind many frightful providences.

You have made stained glass windows from broken glass.

You have turned our stern alarums into merry meetings and have made many glorious summers out of discontented winters.

Praise to the all wise God who has made many years of jubilation out of our cruelest months.

Thank you Lord, for you have shown me that in my defeat was in fact my victory.

Thank you Lord, for by strength you have erected this wall from a heap of broken images.

Although my brethren and I rejoice with this wall now erected, with our cities rebuilt, with our fortunes restored, You know our present zeal will wax and wane like the phases of the moon. I know that the path called narrow holds many crossroads, many detours, many temptations to doubt your benevolence

May I not forget your past faithfulness, nor the old rugged cross where your love was manifested

Forgive me for thinking I could be the king of my own life
Many a times I flirted with the fleeting fantasy of usurping your office

Under such a heavy crown my neck would break
For Hubris makes for poor support

Forgive me Lord, help me trust in you!
I repent in Dust and Ashes

Artist Bio

Growing up, Julius always had a love for scriptwriting and
poetry. He studied Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. Now, Julius writes poetry and script ideas in
his spare time when he’s not teaching English to high school students.
