About Pearl

The Comfort of God


Panel #1 (lower right) – Like the walls of Jerusalem, our life is broken down by our sinful nature. We reach up to the ultimate King and ask for help to rebuild our lives. He is faithful and gives us His word.
Book #1 -The Bible. It is here we learn to rely on God’s promises. Just as Ezra read the law to the Israelites as they built, they gained strength and knowledge. We too, should read our Bible, to gain strength, knowledge and recognize victories as we walk with Jesus.
Panel #2 (middle) –Nehemiah faced forces that fought against the builders of the walls. During our time here on earth, we have forces that we think we must fight, but we must remember, the battle is the Lords. We do not fight against flesh and bone. Our sword is the word of God. Sometimes it is dark, but we look towards the light and know our names are written in the book of life.
Book #2 – The Book of Life. Some Israelites were chosen to live on the other side of Jerusalem after the walls were built. I find comfort that my name is written in the book of life. I will live in the New Jerusalem. Panel #3 (upper left) – Heaven is our destiny, There will be all the fine things of earth there. Still this panel could not come near the beauty of what we’ve yet to see.

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Artist Bio

My name is Pearl Decew. My art has spanned 50 years beginning with oil, then acrylics, tole, fabric, and window painting. I also embroider, crochet, bead, and dappled in sculpture. I am charged by challenges and intrigued by process. My current work is fabric and if I can incorporate one of my other skills, I will try. I love the idea that within time one can see an artist’s style come through and that’s how I see God’s creation.
