About Sarah

Will You Work

Steady humming, side by side

Following a pattern, innate but blind

Dance of many, synchronized

Joy now found, yours and mine

Harmonized labor, each its own

Spent and spending, for the whole

Unity of purpose, fine and strong

Marching out, and coming home

Haven of promise, being built

Hands and feet, a humble kit

Home for hope, with no more guilt

Secured for us, divine merit

Good news carried, on the breeze

Hope restored, flowing free

Sweet the treat, our glorious feast

This sinners’ song, encircling


Each honey bee in a hive has a job, specific and important, for the life of the hive. Some gather pollen and nectar, some nursing the young, some build comb. But all are essential, and all work toward the same goal: the flourishing of the hive.

Reading Nehemiah, we see that God calls his people, in both the Old Testament and now, to a similar diversity of tasks but unity of purpose. In Nehemiah’s day, they worked to see the temple rebuilt, and now, believers in Jesus work to see His kingdom built. None of this work happens in our own strength, but only by our Creator’s blessed word, making our labor fruitful. This poem is called Will You Work.

Artist Bio

Sarah loves the way sound and substance meet in poetry and enjoys making little poems that feel approachable and familiar. She studied writing and poetry in college and is grateful to be able to use these things for the benefit of the church.
