About Victoria


Photography on canvas

Nehemiah led the Jews in the journey of rebuilding Jerusalem, which was not without problems. Stairways represent journeys, showing the difficulties that we face in life. This stairway is in the Botanical Gardens in San Francisco. Using different tones in developing the photos represents different stages of journeys. Rebuilding the temple and city was not straightforward and easy going. Along the way there were setbacks and challenges, represented in the brown-toned bits of photos. Always within sight and just out of reach was the glory of the finished project, reflected in the color photograph. As seen, though, even when the challenge is met, there can still be doubts. We are drawn to perfection, but cannot achieve (near) perfection without God’s guidance, help, and willingness to work beside us. This was true in Nehemiah’s day and is still truth today.

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Artist Bio

As a child and young adult, Victoria dreamed of being a teacher and interior designer. Today she teaches and enjoys watching home remodeling shows. She loves crafting and all forms of art; she uses sewing, photographs, and paper to create greeting cards and one of a kind gifts.
