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Nehemiah 4:20 says, “In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.” This verse stuck out particularly to me during the Revitalize Series as I thought on this picture of God fighting for us and our severe need for His help. To think that our great God is fighting for us is an awesome thought. He knows we are needy and poor. He knows that we are tired and weary. And He fights for us! He cares for us when our world is falling apart, and comforts us in all of our afflictions. Sometimes we can lose sight of the fact God is fighting for us, or simply not believe He cares enough about our situation to care to fight for us, but ultimately we know God fights for us because of His only Son, Jesus. That is what I wanted this song to highlight, that God has fought for us by giving us Jesus who suffered, died, was buried, and then rose again! God has procured for us great power by the blood of His Son, by His very own blood. And when we repent and believe,  because He has fought for us, we can rest assured that His work will be completed. We can rest knowing that if God has called us His own, nothing and no one can undo His claim over us. So though we are prone to wander, prone to err, we know that God is fighting for us, and no one will stand against His will being done in our lives as He perfects us in His holiness.
